Thursday, February 5, 2015

Fisher-Price Rock n' Sleeper

When I was pregnant with my first son I "had" to have a cradle. My husband said "It will just collect clothes." He couldn't have been more right. The cradle was at hip height, the sides where high and I was unable to see or feel my baby while I was in bed.

With my second son I got a Fisher-Price Rock n' Play sleeper for my sleeper. It was perfect! The top was level with the bed. I was able to put my hand down on my baby and feel his little tummy breathe. It was easy to find his binki and pick him up for feedings. He was safe and close. If he fussed a little, I could from bed rock him just a little and he would go back to sleep, as did I!

This again would be at the top of my buy again list! They have many out there, I had the one with out all the extras. They have some that will automatic rock or vibrate. I didn't know what I was missing but I am sure it would have been nice to have the little extra. I did put down a little blanket so that I could change it out with another blanket in the middle of the night in case of spit ups or diaper blow outs.

The other great thing about these Fisher-Price Rock n' Play sleepers is that they fold up for easy storage or travel and are very easy to move about the house.

I have seen many at Target and other super centers. The one that is the closest to the one I had is here: Amazon Fisher-Price Rock n' Play Sleeper

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