Tuesday, January 13, 2015

What do You Hug at Night?

When you start your third trimester, your body starts to ache from your wee bundle of joy making room in your now big belly. Trying to get comfortable while sleeping seems like a dreaded chore. I found great comfort in body pillows. One behind me to support my back and one in front to put between my knees and support my front side. They do make some big body pillows that wrap around you. Like this one from Amazon. (click here to see in Amazon)

 I didn't want to wait, I wanted mine now! So off to Target I went. I was able to find some body pillows and stuffed two into shopping cart, still not too entirely happy with the price of two body pillows and two covers. I was temped to put them back and order the one off Amazon right there in the store, but the thought of going to bed without some sort of relief had me wanting to over pay. I rounded the corner of the bedding and happened upon a great sale of body pillows. Just my luck!  The price $4.98 EACH! Here is the down fall, horrible ugly yellow. That is when it struck me, why not make my own cover.

I walked out of Target and headed to Joanns Fabric store. Found fabric that I liked that wasn't too expensive, Used my 40% coupon from my phone application. Made my husband do the same in a different ring up at check out and I had two body pillows that I could stand looking at for around $25. It didn't take but ten min to sew up the sides and put a satin binding on the end that you see. I even added an easy over lap flap so that I could wash the pillow case with ease.

Did you have trouble getting comfortable at night? What helped you?

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