Friday, January 30, 2015

Ever have a Favorite Baby Outfit?

When my youngest son was born it was close to Easter. That meant bunny rabbit things for boys! It's a rare thing to find bunnies in blue, so when I saw this out fit I grabbed it in his size. As the weeks went by, I watched him grow into to this sweet little rabbit suit and I started to mourn the suit. I knew he was going to out grow it before I was ready. When I returned to the scene of purchase I found myself buying one in 3, 6 and 9 months. I would have bought a year plus had they made them in that size. I ended up doing the same with a few other outfits that I feel in love with. When I was out and about with my wee baby in his rabbit suit I would get compliments on the cute bunny feet. I
would confess to my mad purchase of the same suit in four different sizes. Often times I would hear "Oh, what a great idea! I wish I would have done that with a few with my baby!" So I pass on to you, my reader; Buy, buy up all of those cute outfits in different sizes if your heart so desires! Remember that if it so happens to be a holiday special, like a rare blue bunny suit, you'd best buy up all the sizes quickly. You'll find your self missing a few sizes if  you don't!

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